We, the parish of St. Clare, are a family. As family we worship, learn, struggle, pray, reach out to others and grieve together. At the heart of our family is Jesus Christ whose love we passionately strive to reflect in our worship, our educational, pastoral, and social outreach ministries.
Join us on Saturday February 22 at 9:00 AM Mass for a morning Women's Lenten retreat. It will be held in the Murphy Center. Presentation by Dr. Connie Salhany and Laura Parisi, LMHC. Music by Kristin Salhany. You may RSVP Laura Mitchell at (917) 818-5719 or e-mail to [email protected].
Conference is free of charge.
Join us for our Centennial Lenten Mission on March 2, 3 & 4th at 7:00 PM in the Church. Our Mission Director will be Father Kenneth Paulli, OFM. The theme will focus on the virtues of faith, hope and charity. A Mardi Gras Celebration will following the Tuesday evening event.
Our Parish will be celebrating its 100th anniversary through 2025. Join us as we come together as a Parish Family for a Lenten Mission, Mass with Cardinal Dolan and an Anniversary Gala. Check the bulletin for regular updates.
Loving and gracious God, we give thanks for the 100 years of faith, love and community at St. Clare Parish. As we celebrate this Centennial Year, we honor the past, cherish the present and look forward to the future with HOPE. Guide us, Lord, as we continue to grow in faith, serve with compassion, and build a loving community, Bless all who have been part of our Parish Family, and inspire us to live out Your Gospel Message with joy and dedication. Through the intercession of St. Clare, may we always walk in Your light and share Your love with all. AMEN.
Additional Communal Penance services also available throughout the year. Arrangements may also be made, on an individual basis, to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation by calling the rectory.